Thursday, September 13, 2007
Gourmet dumpster diving
You'd expect it to be covered in slime and filth, but it wasn't. The way dumpster-diving expert David Giles describes 'recovered' or 'saved' food, you'd think it came straight from the shelf at Whole Foods rather than the dumpster out back. And funny enough, I'm sure he was right when he said it is safer to eat out of Safeway's dumpster than Jack-in-the-Box's drive-thru.
The juice he brought for the class to sample was the most expensive brand, Naked, and probably double what any normal juice would cost. But instead of spending $10 on a half-gallon, I ate for free and at the same time felt good about saving the environment, feeding the hungry, yadda yadda yadda. Well, not so much feeding the hungry as Ben and I nearly singlehandedly downed an orange juice and a blackberry-blueberry mix. Still, it felt good knowing that my food came from the trash. Never thought I'd say that!
Not only is dumpster diving economical for poor college students like Yours Truly, it prevents a hell of a lot of waste. David noted during class that 96 billion pounds of food are wasted by Americans each year, from the feedlot all the way to the last bite of uneaten food on the plate. Couple that with the carelessness Pollan noticed given to food (in his case, corn), and that food surplus morphs into a shortage because of plain apathy. Pollan deduced that since it didn't make economic sense to input effort and money to making sure extra food is distributed, it is cheaper to throw it away.
I found the following recipe that makes good of the vegetable scraps, if you can call it a recipe: It calls for taking the week's vegetable scraps and boiling them in water until the nutrients are leaked out to make a nutritious broth. Add one onion, 6 cloves of garlic, and a pinch of olive oil. Then strain out the scraps and use the broth in a variety of ways. You could dip bread in it, add crackers and chicken, add fresh veggies, or just drink it up.
Kevin and Donna Philippe-Johnson.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
United We Stand- with pizza!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
"Will she soon have blond hair and blue eyes?"
The genetic manipulation of the species we eat has me scared. At first, natural selection chose which plants and animals would survive. But starting with the Fertile Crescent and the ancient civilizations, artificial evolution had a hand in choosing which were to survive based on amicable characteristics. But now man has gone a step further and 'fixed' the problem before it occured. Nevermind the ethical ramifications, I think that toying with our food's genes isn't safe, period. I fear for the time when the 'Terminator' gene, which makes seeding impossible, cross-pollinates and spreads out of the lab. The film 'The Future of Food' delves into how quickly a GMO crop can spread by revealing traditional Mexican corn cross-bred with the new strain. Add that to the fact that NO GMO foods are labeled as such in the United States, and you begin to see what has me so worried. The film lays out very clearly that there are unknown risks to GMO food that are being shushed by the gov- I mean, corporations. I think that it is a secondary human right (kudos to the Human Rights presenters) to know what I am eating; to not know seems to me like walking on ice with an unknown thickness.
This image sets the tone for genetic manipulation: if we are splicing any gene with another, what godawful creations and "bovine abominations" are possible? They post this up at bus stops in the Netherlands because the Europeans, unlike Americans, foresee the pitfalls. In Taussig's article, the cow is compared to the Nazis who wanted, in the words of a farmer, a monoculture of blond hair, blue-eyed people. Compare the idealistic one-size-fits-all view of Hitler to our standardized produce and homogenous food, and I see startling parallels. So what if my tomato has a little wart on it, it tastes the same either way! When I gardened in Austin, I used to try to find the weirdest shaped tomatoes i could, and lo and behold, those often had more taste that the 'perfect,' ball-shaped fruits!
I decided on a recipe that is simple yet solid:
Vegetable stir-fry
1 pepper, red or yellow
1 cup broccoli, chopped
2 carrots, diced
3 cups rice
2 cloves garlic
1 cup onion, diced
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 sprig rosemary
Several leaves chopped basil
Add oil and garlic and heat until hot, then add vegetables until slightly browned. This is not a difficult recipe, people, so you should be able to make it! If you can’t make stir fry vegetables, then just give up cooking.
Based loosely on the recipe from:
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Lentil Soup
Speaking of extracting flavor, Michael Pollan discusses in his food-exposer book "that a food is nothing more than the sum of its nutrients," in other words, all one needs is the flavor and nutrition, not the actual food itself. That logic leads to the 'industrial foods' of today in which corn is transformed into everything. I am disgusted that this allows for food processors to claim that a chemical recombination of corn can be "natural raspberry flavoring;" I'd much rather just eat corn knowing what it was and not guessing at its origin. Concentrating nutrition in things like soup or pasta is one thing, but tricking the consumer and his tastebuds is dishonest and artificial.
Sidenote:Pollan also notes that McDonalds uses LIGHTER FLUID among other things to preserve freshness in its chicken McNuggets. Well that sure as hell does a lot more than preserve freshness.
Not only is this labeling misleading, there is so little nutrition in corn-derived products that vitamins and minerals must be added. Because so much of our economy has become corn-driven, more hearty foods have been shoved roughly aside in favor of the cheap and plentiful. But to cook soup is to defy the industrial corn agriculture; I cannot think of many ways to construct a soup based on corn. Soup is a complex thing, much like the "teeming wilderness" Pollan describes soil to be. Man is much better off imitating nature than trying to improve it, I believe, and soup seems to follow this path much better than any processed corn-based product possibly could. As simple and stupid as it sounds, you can usually tell the nutrition of a food by its color. White bread versus whole wheat. Corn versus vegetables. Corn even looks bland; it's no wonder diet-related diseases have spiked in recent years. "All food is corn," the modern viewpoint states, but those are empty calories. Real nutrition lies in the diversity that is soup.
Making the soup with Ben and Ariel
1 cup brown lentils (soaked overnight)
salt and pepper

Mmmmm.... soup!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Of Rice and Men -and Cows
I am disgusted. Michael Pollan's book has officially ruined my appetite for cows for quite a while. If any of you readers are having trouble staying vegetarian, just read The Omnivore's Dilemma and you'll see what I mean. Couple that book with the short animated spoof called The Meatrix and you have instant vegetarians. The film compares the agriculture of humans in The Matrix to the way we raise cows, pigs, and chickens nowadays, and it is so disturbing I can hardly finish the juicy hamburger I'm eating as I write this. Mmmmm... so good, yet so bad.
Anyways, the fact that they feed the spare animal parts back to their kin reminds me of the film Soilent Green in which humans are recycled as food. The only reason the FDA banned the practice was because of mad cow disease, and they still use the growth hormones and antibiotics that are widely known to be bad practices but make for good profit. Plus, since they can no longer use cow meat as feed, they use pig or chicken instead. Have our food producers no ethical sense? Just because cow tissue is the cheapest commodity available does not mean it should be used; I think there are certain boundaries set by nature that should not be crossed. In support of this, Pollan says nature selected against cannibalism for a reason. "Fat is fat, protein is protein," they say indifferently, but I beg to differ: herbivores stay herbivores.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Children are like Popcorn
Something I find intriguing about the economics of food is the tremendous social pressure to eat like everyone else. Like African American Muslims looking for solace and community, we are pressured to eat what our friends and family eat. Thus cultural tradition endures and we can be 'brainwashed' against certain foods, much like African Americans tried to move away from the slave foods of ham hocks and collard greens. While in France, I felt an enormous, silent law indicating that I should eat several pieces of baguette per day, along with at least one healthy vegetable dish.
I thought I would incorporate a health food recipe to counteract the effects of fast food. One can always eat celery as a 'negative net caloric intake' food, but I prefer this healthy recipe that also tastes Godly. This is my favorite of all the foods I tried in France; it tastes fresh and earthy yet it feels fried as well.
Tomates Provençal- Grilled tomatoes from the Southern region of Provence. Eaten alone as an appetizer
Sliced tomatoes
Sea salt and coarsely ground pepper
Crushed garlic
Shredded basil
Herbes de Provence- can be substituted with lavender, rosemary, marjoram, basil, bay leaf, and thyme
Dash of olive oil
Set in oven until crispy. Can be put on bread or crackers as well.

Tomates Provençales <>
Sunday, September 2, 2007
I have seen firsthand in France that they are so much healthier than the majority of Americans. It was so apparent that the first thing I saw at the grand train station was the skinny people. Anyways, I soon learned it was because of portion size rather than any other dietary reason when I ate more than my host mother, father, and brother combined. Having three sons themsleves, they thankfully understood the elephantic dietary requirements of the teenage boy and provided accordingly. Merci beaucoup.
Clafoutis de fruit- Gâteau français
3 eggs
100 g sugar
1 pinch salt
80 g butter
100 g flour
1 spoonful baking powder
1 cup milk
Un peu de vanilla
Mix together the egg, sugar, and salt. Then add the butter, flour, baking powder, and milk and stir thoroughly. After everything is mixed together, add 1 kg of fruit such as cherries, apricots, or peaches.